Appointments & Promotions


Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation faculty appointments are awarded to those who both routinely and on occasion teach our students. For faculty who do not have routinely scheduled involvement with USU, School of Medicine (SOM) teaching programs, a modified academic appointment with the prefix "Adjunct" is assigned at the academic rank of Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, or Professor.

If you are new to teaching our students, and don’t yet have a faculty appointment, you may apply for one.

First, update your CV using the AAMC format. You may find the template at this link.

Next, email our CofS, at, and attach your CV. Describe the rank you wish to apply for and if you desire a prefix (Adjunct, Research, Clinical). For more information about Faculty Appointments at the USU School of Medicine, please visit this link.


Each faculty rank has specific qualifying criteria for promotion to the next academic level. In general, the criteria involves teaching scholarship, professional service, time-in-grade, publications, and research, based on the title and rank of the promotion. Faculty requesting a promotion in faculty rank undergo a rigorous vetting process at both the departmental level, and at the university level. In general terms, one must be at the Assistant Professor level for 4-6 years before requesting promotion to Associate Professor, and at the Associate Professor level at least 6 years to apply for a faculty rank of Professor.  Promotions are governed by the guidelines found in University Instruction 1100a.