The Education Division within the Department of Pediatrics is dedicated to fostering a comprehensive and supportive learning environment for USU medical students throughout their entire academic journey. Our division provides guidance and resources for students during the pre-clerkship curriculum, clerkship rotations, and advanced clinical experiences. We collaborate with faculty to develop engaging and informative educational modules, while also offering mentorship and support services to ensure student success in pediatrics and beyond. Furthermore, our faculty and staff are enthusiastic about nurturing the next generation of pediatricians. We facilitate student involvement in The Pediatric Interest Group, a forum for exploring career paths within pediatrics, and actively fosters participation in research activities, providing students with invaluable opportunities to contribute to the field's advancement.




clerkship locations around the country


the year Pediatrics created the Military Medical Humanitarian Assistance Course


advanced clerkship elective options available in the last 18 months of school


pediatric subspecialty fellowships based within Pediatrics and at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center


The Military Medical Humanitarian Assistance Course (MMHAC) is a two-day course focusing on understanding the unique health environment and recognizing and managing those conditions consistently associated with high mortality among the most vulnerable populations (primarily children) in these settings: diarrhea and dehydration, malnutrition, epidemic measles, malaria, and respiratory infections.

Course scenarios focus on the role that US military medical assets would likely play as early responders to a humanitarian emergency with limited medical resources.

More About Our MMHAC Course