Genetics and genomics are critical components of clinical care for patients and families and can inform diagnosis, risk stratification, treatment, medical management, and screening for many different conditions. Genetic testing and genetic counseling are standard of care recommendations in evidence-based international clinical guidelines across many subspecialties. This field is incredibly relevant to the military population, where data suggests that the incidence of certain conditions with significant genetic components may be even higher than the general population. Despite evidence suggesting that use of genetic information can be life-saving and the increased salience in the Military Health System, recent literature suggests that it is underutilized and that clinical providers may not be aware of the utility of genetic testing or how to use it in clinical care. Our work focuses on improving our understanding of genetics and genetic conditions, implementing genetics effectively, equitably, and appropriately in clinical care, and improving genetic literacy.

Our research projects include genomic medicine implementation studies; studies that seek to better understand genetic health conditions including sudden death, cardiogenetic conditions, cancer, immunology conditions, pharmacogenetics, and others; as well as studies related to genetics education and improving genetic and genomic literacy. The ultimate goal of these research efforts is to improve the way in which genomic technologies are used to maximize health and psychosocial outcomes.

For more information contact Faculty Lead: Lydia Hellwig


The Military Cardiac Arrest Program (MiCAP)

The Military Cardiac Arrest Program is a multi-center, multi-institutional effort to better understand and prevent cardiac arrest. This program includes clinical and implementation projects, education and outreach, and research efforts to comprehensively approach cardiac arrest and sudden death. The goal of this program is to provide empirical data and foundational infrastructure needed to guide policy decisions related to the prevention and treatment of sudden death in the Military Health System and beyond.

MiCAP Postmortem Genetics Team

Postmortem genetic testing is an important tool that can help identify the underlying cause of death and can provide important information to at-risk family members.

Postmortem genetic testing through the DHA Genetics Reference Laboratory is available free of charge for eligible Military Health System beneficiaries (Service Members and eligible family members) for cases of sudden/unexpected deaths or if a hereditary disease was suspected. Our multidisciplinary team will assist with the logistics of testing, appropriate test selection, and pre-and post-test communication with the primary next of kin and with the referring medical examiner.

Please visit our website: MiCAP Postmortem Genetics


Our genomic medicine work focuses on improving our understanding of genetics and genetic conditions, implementing genetics effectively, equitably, and appropriately in clinical care, and improving genetic literacy.