ABOUT Medxellence

USU’s MedXellence Course provides current and aspiring Military Health System (MHS) leaders 40 hours of continuing education credits and an unparalleled opportunity to expand their leadership and management skill sets, through its robust curriculum consisting of both lecture and hands-on small group exercises that are based on real-world MHS scenarios.

Our teaching model immerses students in a week-long transformational experience that fosters professional, intellectual, and personal development. MedXellence challenges MHS professionals to think and lead more effectively in our complex healthcare delivery environment. Since its 1993 introduction, MedXellence has been praised by the thousands of MHS professionals who have attended as being highly relevant to their current leadership and management positions, and, just as importantly, to those positions that they will hold as they progress in their careers. Drawing on senior faculty and other highly knowledgeable DHS and Service Subject Matter Experts, this week-long course provides students in all disciplines with most powerful and most current information about today’s, and tomorrow’s, Military Health System.


"This is a phenomenal course that I would recommend to any of my peers, especially those who will be senior majors or above in the military health care system. The topics were timely and relevant and well delivered. The staff was knowledgeable and great at presenting."



The single most notable factor that differentiates MedXellence from other such courses is the quality of our faculty. The collaboration of expert USU faculty and senior leaders in the MHS catalyzes the development and continuous updating of a curriculum that is unsurpassed in currency and practicality.

MedXellence students are Army, Navy, Air Force, and civilian providers and administrators from all over the world. This variety of the student body, together with our world-renowned faculty and exciting and stimulating curriculum of study, provides an unparalleled educational experience in the science and practice of executive education. Our graduates take leadership positions throughout the MHS.

This course is sponsored by USU in response to the congressional mandate that MHS leaders receive education in health care management and administration. The MedXellence course is delivered approximately five times per year. Courses are generally held at Armed Forces Recreation Centers (AFRCs), or in a base/post facility, and near the Uniformed Services University in Bethesda, Maryland.

LT Tyson Goodrich

Course Administrator


Delivered approximately five times per year, the one-week curriculum consists of a combination of in-class lectures and discussions, and small-group case study exercises. Throughout the week, group workshops and exercises allow participants the opportunity to reflect on current issues and problems encountered by medical executives, integrate what they have learned from the course, and to exchange ideas.

One MedXellence innovation is the course’s case study, which is unique to all other MHS educational courses. This case study forms the infrastructure that binds together all other course content throughout the week. It presents the problem of a Market-wide sentinel event that the students must analyze in small group working sessions; and which “unfolds” as the week progresses, providing additional team input with each new unfolding component. Students work in MTF and Market-level teams to analyze the discovered problems and develop both MTF and Market solutions to improve overall performance.

MedXellence teaches tri-Service MHS leaders how to ask the right questions, request the appropriate data, and lead organizational improvement.

Students learn about the delivery of patient-centered care, working as a member of an interdisciplinary team, engaging in evidence-based practice, applying quality improvement approaches, and using MHS information systems. They also learn to work through multidisciplinary approaches that apply the latest knowledge, common sense, and teamwork to understand and resolve important MHS issues. Students apply the skills and competencies they acquire during the week to practical problems faculty presents to them.

The Core Schedule offers a course overview. Any minor adjustments to the order of presentations will be sent to registrants prior to the start date of the session.

The curriculum includes the following subjects:

  • Leadership
  • Complexity theory
  • American Healthcare
  • Healthcare Policy
  • MHS Finance
  • MHS Strategic Vision
  • MHS healthcare quality/legal/privacy
  • Patient Safety
  • Quadruple Aim Performance Planning
  • Patient Centeredness (Patient Centered Medical Home)
  • Population Health
  • Strategic Communication
  • MHS Data Systems
  • Lean Six Sigma and A3 performance improvement tools

MedXellence supports the 1992 Congressional mandate that health care leaders receive education in healthcare management, and supports the following competencies at the Application level:

  • Decision-Making
  • Health Law
  • Organizational Design
  • Policy
  • Strategic/Performance Planning
  • Population Health
  • Financial Management
  • Integrated Health Care Delivery Systems
  • Ethics
  • Quality Management
  • Leadership
  • Patient Privacy
  • Patient Safety
  • Outcome Metrics/Measurement
  • Strategic Communication
  • A3 Performance Improvement
  • Group Dynamics
  • Public and Media Relations


There is no tuition fee for MedXellence attendance; however, your command must fund travel, per-diem, and lodging related expenses.


MedXellence is for those who wish to be educated on MHS-relevant issues essential when leading in a tri-Service environment. Because the participants’ experiences are critical to the learning process, we will choose a professionally diverse class. Therefore, you should come prepared to exercise leadership in the classroom, help shape class conversation, and discuss relevant issues with current MHS leaders and USU faculty.

Prospective students may be nominated by their supervisor, or they may self-nominate. To achieve a balanced student body, the MedXellence staff selects nominees based on Service, rank, corps, and job title.

Officers must have at least two (2) years of Service left to be considered for selection.


Please make sure your command is prepared to cover your travel and per-diem before submitting your nomination. Commands will be notified of cancellations. Register now as space is limited.


Please select date to register.       * Early application is encouraged. *


           MedXellence courses to be announced in FY26



Hotels, Lodges, and Resorts used by MedXellence are ADA Compliant. If you require special assistance according to the American Disabilities Act, please contact the Program Manager.


Continuing education credit for this course is provided through collaboration between USU and AffinityCE.

AffinityCE is an accredited provider of continuing education for health care professionals.

This activity provides approximately 40 hours of continuing education credit for physicians, nurses, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, pharmacists, pharmacy technicians, health care executives, psychologists, optometrists, case managers, dentists, as well as other related health care professionals.

Physicians - Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME), AMA PRA Category 1 Credit

Nurses - American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC)

Nurse Practitioner - American Association of Nurse Practitioners (AANP)

Physician Assistants - Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME)

Pharmacists - Accreditation Council on Pharmacy Education (ACPE)

Pharmacy Techs - Accreditation Council on Pharmacy Education (ACPE)

Health Care Executives - American College of Health Care Executives (ACHE)

Psychologists - American Psychological Association (APA)

Other Health Professions - Other professionals participating in this activity may obtain a General Participation certificate which may be used to satisfy continuing education requirements

Case Managers - Commission on Case Manager Certificates (CCMC)

Dentists - American Dental Association (ADA-CERP)


AffinityCE and USU staff, Planning Committee Members and reviewers have no financial or non-financial interest to disclose. Please see the faculty disclosures related to individual sessions.


No commercial support was provided for this activity.


For all continuing medical education (CME) related inquiries please contact support@pesgce.com

MedXellence Faculty and Staff


Continuing Education Program Staff
cds_support@affinityced.com or (703) 421-2610


The MedXellence faculty consists of experts in the field of healthcare management within the Military Health System, Federal Health System, USU, and the private sector.


LT Tyson Goodrich

  • Mr. Walter Tinling
  • MG (Ret) Richard Thomas
  • Dr. Patricia Buss
  • Dr. Michael Dinneen
  • Mr. Brandon Ho
  • Dr. Tracey Koehlmoos
  • Mr. Bryce Slinger
  • Ms. Angela Koelsch
  • Ms. Alicia Guerrero
  • LCDR Christian Betancourt
  • Ms. Erin McGlothlin
  • Dr. Debra Manning
  • Mr. David “Scott” Hencshel
  • Mr. Joseph Procaccino
  • Dr. Gregg Meyer
  • Dr. Eric Marks


Mr. George Lee (240) 956-8352
Ms. Alicia Cooper (240) 956-9900