This PhD degree program provides a broad didactic and research experience in Vector Biology and Parasitology. Specific goals for this PhD degree program are to develop independent scholarship, originality, and competence in research, teaching, and professional service. This program is designed for outstanding students with a strong commitment to careers in Vector Biology and/or Parasitology. Within the PhD program, an individualized course of study is designed for each graduate student to meet their specific needs. The PhD program provides the training and experience necessary for research careers in Medical Parasitology or Vector Biology. Matriculates should have a Master's degree in an appropriate field of biology. Only under the most exceptional circumstances will individuals with only a Baccalaureate degree be considered for admission to the program.
To advance to candidacy in Vector Biology and Parasitology, students must pass a Qualifying Examination consisting of two parts: The written examination is comprehensive and designed to test the student's knowledge of selected topics in vector biology and parasitology, as well as the student's problem-solving abilities. For those who matriculate with a master's degree, the Qualifying Examination will normally be scheduled one year post-admission and no later than 24 months post-admission.
The written examination is comprehensive and designed to test the student's knowledge of selected topics in vector biology and parasitology, as well as the student's problem-solving abilities.
All requirements for advancement to candidacy must be completed no later than two years of attendance after initiating a program of study at USU.
Waivers to the two-year requirement are considered in exceptional cases and be recommended by the Director of PMB Doctoral Programs and approved by the Associate Dean of Graduate Education. Waivers may not exceed one year.
Final approval of advancement to candidacy rests with the Associate Dean for Graduate Education acting on the recommendation of the student examination committee and the Director of PMB Doctoral Programs.
The requirements for advancement to candidacy include:
- 48 credit hours of formal course work at the graduate level,
- a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 (B),
- successful completion of the written and oral qualifying examinations
- formation of a dissertation committee.
The dissertation is defined as an extensive written treatment of a public health topic based on the original scholarly research. A dissertation is required of all aspirants for a PMB doctoral degree. An acceptable alternative pathway is the manuscript-based thesis if agreed upon by the candidate and their thesis committee. The Dissertation Committee, also known as the “Thesis Committee” or “Thesis Advisory Committee” advises the doctoral candidate and helps guide his or her research.
The Dissertation Examination Committee is responsible for reading the dissertation, and certifying its acceptability as to scope and quality, and conducting the defense of the dissertation. In most cases, the candidate’s Dissertation Committee also serves as the Dissertation Examination Committee. The defense of the dissertation consists of an oral presentation of the dissertation and response to questions. A private defense (involving the candidate, their dissertation examination committee members and invited guests) and a public defense using a seminar format are required.
Qualified active duty uniformed officers serving in fields related to vector biology will be preferentially reviewed for admission to the PhD program. Civilian applicants are considered on a space available basis with preference given to health professionals sponsored by other U.S. government agencies. At a minimum, applicants for both programs must have a Master’s degree with an outstanding academic record (undergraduate transcript and GRE scores) and documented successful completion of rigorous coursework related to their desired area of graduate study. A limited number of pre-doctoral teaching/research assistantship stipends are available for civilian graduate students in PhD programs through the Graduate Education Office.
*International Students will be considered if they have earned a baccalaureate degree from a United States College/University.
- A complete employment history
- A personal statement describing how the applicant became interested in public health and how they envision incorporating the training they would receive in their future careers
- Three letters of recommendation from individuals familiar with the applicant’s academic, professional, and/or military service background.
- Active-duty Uniformed Services personnel must obtain the sponsorship of their parent organization and should mention in their packet of where they stand in the process of obtaining sponsorship
Additional Application Requirements
Deadline for full consideration of applications is December 1st for matriculation the following August.
If active duty service members require a letter of competitiveness or early consideration for admission before that date, they should notify the University’s Graduate Education office. Late applications are considered on a case-by-case basis, especially as they concern the needs of the Uniformed Services. Apply Here
Tuition: $0
Fees: $0
Equipment: $0
Tuition and fees are waived for all students.
Civilian students to not incur any commitments for service or other forms a payback to the US government. During their first three years of graduate training Civilian Track students in the Department are supported as Administratively Determined (AD) government employees who receive salary and benefits as such. Total compensation is highly competitive with other local universities. As an Administratively Determined (AD) Federal employee, your salary is subject to standard taxes and withholdings. Support for years 4 and beyond is made available through research grants and fellowships.
Military students are not charged tuition and remain on active duty status supported by their specific service (Army, Navy, Air Force, Public Health Service). Service obligations due to PhD training are specifically determined by the supporting service.
The Henry M. Jackson Foundation for the Advancement of Military Medicine annually provides support for 1-3 graduate fellowships. The fellowships are competitively awarded annually to outstanding USU civilian graduate student doctoral candidates in the USU School of Medicine who meet the following criteria:
The student's USU-supported funding has ended or will end in August of the year of the award
The student has advanced to candidacy and is in good academic standing
Applicants must provide information on their research plan and progress, and have the support of their Program Director. Selections are made in June and announced prior to 1 August of each year.
Graduate student fellowship support is also competitively available from many other sources, such as the National Institutes of Health, National Science Foundation, Howard Hughes Medical Foundation, and various private foundations such as the American Heart Association, Juvenile Diabetes Foundation, etc. Check with the USU Office of Research and/or the Graduate Education Office for various opportunities to compete for extramural funding.
Civilian students do not incur service obligation to the United States government after the completion of their graduate studies.
Active-duty Uniformed Services personnel may incur an obligation for additional service in accordance with the applicable regulations governing sponsored graduate education.