The Master of Science in Public Health (MSPH) offers two specializations, one in Environmental and Occupational Health (EOH) and one in Medical Zoology. We provide practitioners the skills to apply concepts and practices of public health, develop learner communication skills and expertise, and establish a foundation for continuing education and lifelong learning to become leaders in these fields. Completing the MSPH program at USU allows for a unique multidisciplinary learning environment with public health professionals from the Air Force, Army, Navy, Public Health Service, and Canadian military.

The Environmental and Occupational Health track provides an exceptional opportunity for advanced study in the field of occupational hygiene and environmental health. The MSPH program includes courses in environmental health, industrial hygiene, environmental chemistry, analytical instrumentation, risk assessment, and toxicology. Through this program, students are prepared to recognize, evaluate, and control environmental health and occupational hygiene problems.

The Medical Zoology track encompasses Vector Biology, the study of the vectors responsible for disease transmission and how to prevent or combat vector-borne diseases, and Medical Parasitology, the study of parasitic diseases such as those caused by protozoa, like malaria, or those caused by helminths, such as lymphatic filariasis.



MSPH PROGRAM DIRECTOR: MAJ Sean Beeman, PhD, CPH, DAAS, Assistant Professor 
(301) 295-2642


Student Research

Evaluating the Impact of Ambient Benzene Vapor Concentrations on Product Water from Condensation Water From Air Technology - This study implemented a novel experimental method utilizing an environmental test chamber to evaluate how air quality and temperature affects CWFA untreated product water quality in order to collect data that will inform the type of water treatment required to protect human health.

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A Preliminary Analysis of Noise Exposure and Medical Outcomes for Department of Defense Military Musicians - This project was a preliminary examination of Department of Defense (DoD) active duty military musicians in regard to their noise exposure, annual hearing test rates, and hearing injury rates using available data sources.

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Impact of temperature and storage duration on the chemical and odor quality of military packaged water in polyethylene terephthalate bottles - The US military's water pH long-term potability standard was exceeded, and US Food and Drug Administration (USFDA) and US Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) drinking water pH and odor intensity limits were also exceeded.

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Students have the opportunity to participate in cutting-edge research that spans numerous possibilities: basic science, clinical research, global health, etc. Particular focus areas relevant to military medicine include traumatic brain injury, cancer, post-traumatic stress disorder, emerging infectious and neglected tropical diseases, combat casualty care, substance abuse, genomics and precision medicine.

Graduate Research

Faculty in the Department of Preventive Medicine and Biostatistics have years of experience in areas such as force health protection, epidemiologic surveillance using DoD systems, field epidemiology, and an understanding of the unique population that includes Active Duty service members, Guard and Reserve, family members, and retirees, giving students a unique perspective on Preventive Medicine before leaving the classroom.

Preventive Medicine & Biostatistics