Internal MEdicine Clerkships
This clerkship is one of the most valuable experiences you have in medical school. The rewards of establishing a successful approach to patients and their care will remain with you throughout your career. Our 10-week clinical Clerkship in Internal Medicine provides students with an intense opportunity to apply current fund of knowledge and basic history taking and diagnostic skills to multiple situations and settings. Although observing staff physicians and house officers is of benefit, most learning comes through personal experience. You cannot be a bystander during the Internal Medicine Clerkship! The Clerkship in Internal Medicine includes both ward (inpatient) and ambulatory (outpatient) experiences and fosters growing independence.
Department of Medicine Internal Clerkship Site (Authorized access only)
San Antonio Military Medical Center - San Antonio, TX
Fort Belvoir Community Hospital (FBCH) - Fort Belvoir, VA
Keesler Air Force Medical Center (KAFMC) - Biloxi, MS
Madigan Army Medical Center (MAMC) - Fort Lewis McChord, WA
Naval Medical Center Portsmouth (NMCP) - Portsmouth, VA
Naval Medical Center San Diego (NMCSD) - San Diego, CA
Tripler Army Medical Center (TAMC) - Honolulu, HI
Walter Reed National Medical Center (WRNMMC - Bethesda, MD
Washington DC Veterans Administration Medical Center (DCVAMC) - Washington DC
Wilford Hall Ambulatory Surgical Center (WHASC) - Lackland AFB, TX
William Beaumont Army Medical Center (WBAMC) Fort Bliss, TX
Wright Patterson Air Force Medical Center (WPAFMC) - Dayton, OH
Our Fourth Year Programs include subinternship and elective rotations at military and civilian institutions throughout the world. With oversight of Health Professions Scholarship Program students at WRNMMC, we are responsible for approximately 220-230 individual 4-week rotations annually.