Clinical Trials at the Department of Medicine



 The Department of Medicine at Uniformed Services University supports clinical research in cardiology, infectious diseases, hematology, immunology, clinical pharmacology, and nephrology.

Ongoing research includes sudden cardiac arrest and arrhythmias, vaccine development for leishmaniasis, TB and influenza, and MRSA; prevention of skin/soft tissue infections in troops; management of PTSD through social media; development of humanized mouse models for immune responses, hemophilia inhibitor formation, multiple sclerosis and sickle cell research. 

Current Trials:

Translational Medicine Unit: We are enrolling volunteers for the following studies below. If interested, please call or email today! (301) 318-6024 or email

Peds Recon: Peds RECON is currently enrolling volunteers: Peds RECON would like to enroll healthy children aged 1 month to 17 years. Please see our website for more information on our study.

COVIVA: SC2i (TDAP) is enrolling healthy volunteers.

POTS: COVIVA is enrolling volunteers with symptoms of postural orthostatic tachycardia (POTS) such as dizziness, fatigue, exercise intolerance, gastrointestinal symptoms, ‘brain fog’, headaches, chest pain, anxiety or passing out. Click the link for more information Clinical Trial ID NCT0548117.

Form: TMU Study Interest Form: For more information visit our webpage


Study to Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety of CGT9486 Versus Placebo in Patients With Indolent or Smoldering Systemic Mastocytosis (link).


Blood Filter for the Treatment of Severe COVID (link), along with other trials in our Surgical Critical Care Initiative.

 Infectious Disease:

Testing BCG to prevent primary TB infection, as well as all cause respiratory infection, in 2000 travelers going to high TB burden countries. NCT04453293. Currently, we are using data collected from a controlled trial of BCG vs placebo in American indigenous children, to determine whether BCG was protective of other pediatric infections.