USU is pleased to offer a Graduate Certificate in Global Health and Global Health Engagement via distance learning. This program currently has over 200 students enrolled from all four Services spread across six continents. Students can earn a graduate certificate upon successful completion of 18 credit hours of coursework as per the requirements below. Graduate certificates are an increasingly recognized and valued credential in global health and are often earned by mid-career professionals interested in obtaining formal education in this diverse and rapidly-changing field. Prospective students who are interested in expanding their knowledge and skill set by taking only one or two courses are also welcome and encouraged to apply.
Each course in the program consists of a certain number of modules. Modules are single web (html) pages of information with embedded lectures, faculty-authored text, links to required readings, and sometimes embedded panel discussions or other features. The courses are designed so that students (as a class-cohort) complete approximately one module per week. Students read the materials and watch the lectures and panel discussions on their own time, and convene as a class once per week online (via live video teleconference) to converse with course faculty and their fellow students. Individual courses may also require discussion board participation, a term paper, and possibly a final exam.
Most courses run for approximately 11 weeks each. The first three courses (Global Health 1 and 2 and Global Health Engagement) each have a live component (via video teleconference) that occurs once per week. While attempts are often made to accommodate students in different time zones, the most popular day/time for these sessions has always been Wednesday evenings, Eastern Standard Time.
Can I take coursework via distance learning at USU and then transfer the credit elsewhere?
Yes. Students will have a formal transcript maintained by the University Registrar. Upon successful completion of each distance learning course, there will be a letter grade recorded on the student’s transcript along with the credit value of each course. Any student may, at any time, request a transcript be sent and credits transferred to any other university or program that accepts transfer credits.
I might want to apply (or I am applying) to one of USU’s in-residence degree programs (i.e. MPH, MHAP, etc.). May I take a course or two now via distance-learning and then apply those credits toward my degree program at USU?
I am not a member of the U.S. military; can I apply to take global health courses at Uniformed Services University?
At present, we are only admitting members of the U.S. Armed Services who are on active duty or reserve status, as well as members of the Commissioned Corps of the U.S. Public Health Service. Select members of partner-nation militaries (in coordination with the relevant combatant command) and select members from the US government interagency are also considered for admission.
Can I just take a course or two?
The first course, Global Health 1, is specifically designed to provide a broad base of knowledge and key concepts to advance the students' education in this field. Students who have elected to take just this one course, or the first two courses, have found it beneficial to their education and careers. There is no expectation, implied or otherwise, that students need to complete all 18-credits. The global health leadership from the Services (the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Pu(active tab)blic Health Service) look very favorably upon the completion of any coursework by students within this program. While the full graduate certificate is a nice achievement, successful completion of individual courses also has a lot of value in terms of both personal growth and professional advancement.
What if I have a question that is not answered by one of these FAQs?
You may also email us at globalhealth@usuhs.edu.