External sources 

1. Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs
  1. CDMRP-Homepage

  2. For questions regarding CDMRP applications: cdmrp-public-affairs@mail.mil or call 301-619-7071

  3. Archived-CDMRP-Research

2. National Institutes of Health
  1. NIH Grants and Funding

  2. Electronic Research Administration

  3. Research Portfolio Online Reporting Tools (RePORT)

  4. NIH Grant Forms

  5. Types of Grant Funding

  6. List of NIH Centers

3.  International Association for the Study of Pain
  • Be sure to affiliate with USU when publishing

  • ORCiD

    • Create an ORCID iD to establish a unique digital identifier

    • ORCID iDs move with you, and help compile and maintain records of your work (publications, funding, etc.)

ANE Department Researcher Resources

ANE Faculty and LRC Resources

VPR DoD Primer 


Policy and Study Compliance

Research at USU

USU Compliance

Faculty Senate Research Committee - provides a forum for researchers to address specific concerns related to all aspects of maintaining and funding a research program.

Students are have the opportunity to participate in anesthesia-related research throughout their time as a medical student. Students can work on ongoing research projects, do Capstone Research, and work on case reports. Please contact Dr. Robert Vietor for more information about working with students on any of these projects.

About Capstone Research at USU

Fill out this form and send to Dr. Kris Highland (krista.highland@usuhs.edu).