Robert P Federigan
Lieutenant Colonel, Army
Department of Primary Appointment:
School of Medicine
Military and Emergency Medicine
Professor of Military Science
Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, Bethesda, MD
Research Interests:
Strategic Military Research Fellow - RAND Arroyo Center, a division of the RAND Corporation (2018)M.A. International Relations - Webster University, Ft. Leavenworth, KS (2014)
M.S. National Security & Public Safety w/ Certificate in National Security Administration - University of New Haven, CT (2013)
B.S. History - Radford University, VA (1997)
LTC Rob Federigan is a Distinguished Military Graduate from Radford University ROTC and was commissioned an Aviation officer in 1997; serving the next 7 years as an OH-58D Kiowa Warrior air cavalry helicopter pilot. In 2005, he direct-commissioned as a Medical Service Corps Aeromedical Evacuation Officer (67J); serving the next 8 years as a UH-60 Blackhawk helicopter pilot. In 2013, he was designated Medical Operations/Plans Officer (70H). Since July 2021, he has served as USU’s Professor of Military Science.LTC Federigan’s assignments include: Aeroscout Platoon Leader (PL), 4-7th Cavalry, 2d Infantry Division (ID), Republic of Korea (ROK); Aeroscout PL & Squadron S4, 2-17th Cavalry, 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault); Asst Division Aviation Officer, 82d Airborne Division during OEF II and OIF I; Air Ambulance PL and Battalion Medical Operations/Plans Officer, 2-52d General Support Aviation Battalion (GSAB), 2d ID, ROK; Operations Officer, Air Ambulance Company, 2-4th GSAB, 4th ID during OIF 08-10. In 2009, he assumed command of Company A, 2-4th GSAB, 4th ID (DV/C2 Flight Co.); thus becoming the first Medical Service Corps Officer in the Division’s history to command a non-MEDEVAC helicopter company. He subsequently deployed the company to OEF 10-11 and upon promotion later served as U.S. LNO to RC-North Headquarters (German-led). From 2014-2017, he served in Germany as S3 and Deputy Commander for Administration of the 212th Combat Support Hospital, 30th Medical Brigade as well as Asst G3 (Plans) Regional Health Command Europe. From 2018-2021, he served at the Medical Center of Excellence, Ft. Sam Houston as Chief, Professional Education & Training Department as well as Chief, Captains Career Course. He holds an M.S. in National Security & Public Safety (University of New Haven), an M.A. in International Relations (Webster University) and is a former Strategic Research Fellow at The RAND Arroyo Center.