The USU Admissions Committee works on a "rolling" admissions basis. This means that an applicant's file is advanced onto the next phase as soon as the previous phase is completed. Failure to complete steps in a timely manner will delay the processing of an individual’s application. The process begins with an application to AMCAS. We advise applicants to apply in June, prior to the year of matriculation.


If you have any questions regarding the admissions process you may contact your Admissions Counselor below. Counselors are assigned by the first letter of your last name and will be working with you throughout the application cycle.

A-L: Bowker,

M-R: Ms. Baker,

S-Z: Ms. Forrest,


Applicants are strongly encouraged to read the Admissions Requirements page before applying.



Admissions Checklist

















Applicants interested in the MD/PhD program must apply to both programs. If the applicant is accepted into the MD program but not accepted into a PhD program, they may still continue the medical school application process.

  1. Apply directly to the School of Medicine using the American Medical Colleges Application Service (AMCAS). Applicants must indicate their interest in the MD/PhD program on the AMCAS application.
  2. Submit a completed PhD Program Application with this material.

Amcas application

Applicants start by completing the American Medical College Application Service (AMCAS) application using the USU School of Medicine (SoM) designation code: 821 between June 1st and November 1st. USU is listed with the other medical schools in the State of Maryland.

Early Decision Program

USU participates in the AMCAS(R) Early Decision Program. Submit your application by the August 1 deadline and be notified of your status by October 1.

Official Transcripts

After completing the AMCAS web application, applicants should submit official transcripts from all colleges/universities attended through AMCAS. Failure to complete this step in a timely manner will delay the processing of an individual's application.

Change of Address or Phone

Applicants must report changes of their phone number or address to USU and AMCAS. To alert USU of the change, applicants may email their admissions counselor.


Once we have received confirmation of your application submission from AMCAS, we will email you information on how to submit your supplemental application. The Supplemental Application Material is mandatory. The supplemental application, excluding letters of recommendation (which are due as soon as possible), is due in WebAdmit within 21 days of the date of your email notification that the supplemental application is available. Before submitting the supplemental application, please do a thorough review of all instructions and attachments. There is NO fee for the processing of the supplemental application. As soon as the forms are returned and the letters of recommendation are received, your file is sent to the Admissions Committee to make a decision regarding an invitation to interview. If circumstances prohibit you from completing the supplemental materials within the time period allotted, please contact your Admissions Counselor for an extension.

Application fee: $0


The Admissions Committee invites approximately 600 applicants to interview. Candidates selected for an interview are notified via email and appointments are scheduled through the Office of Recruitment and Admissions. Two SoM representatives interview applicants in separate interviews, evaluating motivation and potential as a future military physician.

Service Preference

At the interview, applicants are provided a form asking them to rank the four available Services (Army, Navy, Air Force, and Public Health Service) in order of preference, along with their commitment to each. Interviewees will be given briefings about the services and the admissions staff will be available for questions. It is recommended that applicants do research ahead of their interview date.

Physical Examination

Applicants who accept an interview invitation will be sent instructions to schedule a medical examination through the Department of Defense Medical Examination Review Board (DoDMERB). Applicants MUST schedule or complete their physical examination prior to interview day and provide the date of the examination to Commissioning Coordinator, by interview day. For further assistance, you may contact the Commissioning Coordinator at

National Security Requirements

All applicants who accept an invitation to interview at the School of Medicine must complete an SF-86 to undergo a security investigation, which is a criterion for entrance to the school. This requirement applies to all applicants entering the uniformed services and ensures that the military denies admission to individuals who might compromise national security. For more information, you may contact the Security Office at 301-295-3033.


All interviews are currently conducted virtually using live teleconferencing software. Once applicants complete two 30 minute interviews with a clinical faculty member and/or current medical student, their application files are forwarded to the Admissions Committee for a final review and decision. If the Admissions Committee approves an acceptance, an applicant is given a conditional offer of acceptance. This means that the applicant holds a place in the class, but will not receive official orders to attend our school of medicine until he or she is deemed eligible for a security clearance and is physically qualified. Some applicants may require a medical waiver to be physically qualified, and our Commissioning Coordinator will assist with this process as needed. Once an applicant is deemed eligible for a security clearance and is physically qualified, the applicant is provided an unconditional offer of acceptance. Upon receiving an unconditional acceptance, official orders to attend our school of medicine are typically processed in May and June. Most students will have the opportunity to attend initial service specific military training over the summer and classes begin at our school of medicine in August.