Lydia Hellwig


Department of Primary Appointment:
School of Medicine
Genetic Counselor
Location: Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, Bethesda, MD
Research Interests:
Genomic Medicine
Office Phone


ScM. Genetic Counseling, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD Thesis Topic: Patient Perceptions of Uncertain Genetic Variants 2017
BS in Molecular and Cellular Biology, BA in Sociology, Minor in Psychology, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD 2014


Lydia Hellwig is a certified genetic counselor and assistant professor of pediatrics at the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences through the Henry M. Jackson Foundation for the Advancement of Military Medicine, Inc. Lydia is a co-investigator and counselor for many genomic research projects, including genomic medicine implementation studies as well as studies that seek to better understand sudden cardiac death, cancer, and other diseases. She also strives to increase genomic literacy and is passionate about clinical genetics education. Her clinical practice, research, and teaching efforts seek to improve the way in which genomic technologies are used to maximize health and psychosocial outcomes.

Representative Bibliography

Hellwig, L. D., Biesecker, B. B., Lewis, K. L., Biesecker, L. G., James, C. A., & Klein, W. (2018). Ability of Patients to Distinguish Among Cardiac Genomic Variant Subclassifications. Circulation. Genomic and precision medicine, 11(6), e001975.

Hellwig, L. D., Krokosky, A., Vargason, A., & Turner, C. (2021). Genetic Counseling Considerations for Military Beneficiaries. Military medicine, 187(Suppl 1), 36–39.

Hellwig, L. D., Turner, C., & O'Neill, S. C. (2019). Patient-centered care and genomic medicine: A qualitative provider study in the military health system. Journal of genetic counseling, 28(5), 940–949.

Hellwig, L. D., Turner, C., Manolio, T. A., Haigney, M., James, C. A., Murray, B., Szpisjak, D. F., Muldoon, S., Estrada-Veras, J., Krokosky, A., & De Castro, M. J. (2019). Return of secondary findings in genomic sequencing: Military implications. Molecular genetics & genomic medicine, 7(2), e00483.

Segre, E. M., Hellwig, L. D., Turner, C., Dobson, C. P., & Haigney, M. C. (2020). Exercise Dose Associated With Military Service: Implications for the Clinical Management of Inherited Risk for Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular Cardiomyopathy. Military medicine, 185(9-10), e1447–e1452.

DeLuca, J., Selig, D., Poon, L., Livezey, J., Oliver, T., Barrett, J., Turner, C., & Hellwig, L. (2020). Toward Personalized Medicine Implementation: Survey of Military Medicine Providers in the Area of Pharmacogenomics. Military medicine, 185(3-4), 336–340.

DeLuca, J., Oliver, T., Hulsopple, C., Selig, D., Por, E., Turner, C., Hellwig, L., & Livezey, J. (2021). Applying Pharmacogenomic Guidelines to Combat Medical Care. Military medicine, 187(Suppl 1), 18–24.