Angela M Yarnell


Lieutenant Colonel, Army

Department of Primary Appointment:
School of Medicine
Military and Emergency Medicine
Deputy Professor of Military Science
Location: Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, Bethesda, MD
Research Interests:
leader development
sleep, stress, and performance
Office Phone


​BA, Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Criminology and Psychology
MS, Uniformed Services University, Bethesda, Md, Medical Psychology
PhD, Uniformed Services University, Bethesda, Md, Medical Psychology


Angela Yarnell is a Distinguished Military Graduate of Indiana University of Pennsylvania, which she attended on a four-year Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) Scholarship and earned her bachelor's degree in Criminology and Psychology in 2005. After college, she commissioned as a 2nd Lieutenant in the Army's Medical Service Corps and served as a medical treatment platoon leader, medical supply officer, and a company executive officer. She was assigned to the 2d Stryker Cavalry Regiment, stationed at Ft Lewis, WA and Rose Barracks, Germany, and served for 15 months in Iraq. Angela's military awards include the Bronze Star Medal for service in Iraq; two Meritorious Service Medals; two Army Commendation Medals; and three Army Achievement Medals. LTC Yarnell received her Master’s (2012) and PhD (2013) in Medical Psychology from the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences (USU), Bethesda, MD. LTC Yarnell is an Army Research Psychologist who has served as the Deputy Branch Chief of Behavioral Biology and Chief of the Sleep Research Center in the Center for Military Psychology and Neuroscience Research at the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research in Silver Spring, MD. Her research emphasis is psychophysiology and she has investigated the topics of stress and resilience, especially sex differences in stress responses, concussion, effects of repetitive blast exposure, and sleep and performance in the military. LET Yarnell also served as an Assistant Professor in the Behavioral Science and Leadership Department at the United States Military Academy at West Point, NY where she taught Psychology for Leaders to cadets. She is currently studying leader development.

LTC Yarnell is currently the Deputy Professor of Military Science and Associate Professor of Military and Emergency Medicine at the Uniformed Services University in Bethesda, MD where she is responsible for the university level leader and military professional development program.

Career Highlights: Positions, Projects, Deployements, Awards and Additional Publications

Assistant Professor, Behavioral Sciences and Leadership United States Military Academy West Point, NY.

Deputy Chief, Behavioral Biology Branch Walter Reed Army Institute of Research Silver Spring, MD

Chief, Sleep Research Center Walter Reed Army Institute of Research Silver Spring, MD

Research Psychologist, Behavioral Biology Branch Walter Reed Army Institute of Research Silver Spring, MD

Graduate Student and Research Assistant, Grunberg Laboratory Medical Psychology Program Uniformed Services University Bethesda, MD

Troop Executive Officer, Medical Troop, Regimental Support Squadron 2nd Stryker Calvary Regiment Vilsek Germany

Troop Executive Officer, Medical Troop, Regimental Support Squadron 2nd Stryker Calvary Regiment Operation Iraqi Freedom 07-09

Treatment Platoon Leader, Medical Troop, Regimental Support Squadron 2nd Stryker Calvary Regiment Vilsek Germany

Headquarters Platoon Leader, Brigade Support Medical Company, Brigade Support Battalion 1st Brigade, 25th Infantry Division Ft. Lewis, WA


Representative Bibliography

Yarnell, A.M., Barry, E.S., and Grunberg, N.E. (2019). Psychological wellbeing. In D. Smith, E. Schoomaker, F. O’Connor (2019), Fundamentals of Military Medical Practice. Borden.

Yarnell, A.M., LoPresti, M.L., and Balkin, T. J. (2019). Sleep, rest, and recovery. In D. Smith, E. Schoomaker, F. O’Connor (2019), Fundamentals of Military Medical Practice. Borden.

Yarnell, A.M., Dullea, C., & Grunberg, N.E. (2019). Military communication. In D. Smith, E. Schoomaker, F. O’Connor (editors), Fundamentals of Military Medical Practice. Borden.

Yarnell, A.M., & Deuster, P.A., (2016). Caffeine and Performance. Journal of Special Operations Medicine, 16(4):64-70.

Yarnell, A.M., & Deuster, P.A., (2016). Sleep as a Strategy for Optimizing Performance. Journal of Special Operations Medicine, 16(1), 92-96.

Yarnell, A.M., Barry, E.S., Mountney, A., Shear, D., Tortella, F., and Grunberg, N.E. (2016). The revised neurobehavioral severity scale (NSS-R) for rodents. Curr. Protoc. Neurosci, 75:9.52.1-9.52.16.

Yarnell, A.M. and Grunberg, N.E. (2017). Developing an allostatic leader: a psycho-bio-social perspective. In M. Clark & C.W. Gruber (Eds), Annuals of Theoretical Psychology 15. Springer.

Simonelli, G., Mantua, J., Gad, M., St Pierre, M., Moore, L., Yarnell, A. M., ... & Capaldi, V. F. (2019). Sleep extension reduces pain sensitivity. Sleep medicine, 54, 172-176.

Mantua, J., Grillakis, A., Mahfouz, S., Taylor, M., Brager, A., Yarnell, A. M., ... & Simonelli, G. (2018). A systematic review and meta-analysis of sleep architecture and chronic traumatic brain injury. Sleep medicine reviews, 41, 61-77.

Gill, J. . Yarnell, A.M. (2017). Moderate blast exposure alters gene expression and levels of amyloid precursor protein, Neurology Genetics, 3(5), e186.