Dzung L Pham
Ph.D. (Electrical and Computer Engineering) – Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, 1999M.S.E. (Electrical and Computer Engineering) – Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, 1995
B.S. (Electrical Engineering) – George Washington University, Washington, DC, 1993
Dr. Pham is a Professor and Vice Chair for Research in the Department of Radiology and Bioengineering at Uniformed Service University. He also holds adjunct appointments in the Johns Hopkins University Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, and in the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Radiology and Imaging Sciences Department. After completing his graduate studies at Johns Hopkins, he was a research fellow for 3 years at the National Institute on Aging. This was followed by 7 years as tenure-track faculty at Johns Hopkins University in the Department of Radiology and Radiological Science. He then served over ten years as the Director of the Image Processing Core in the Military Traumatic Brain Injury Initiative.Dr. Pham’s research stands at the interface between image processing, machine learning, and medicine, with a focus on developing methods for extracting quantitative information through medical imaging and improving the translation of advanced image analysis algorithms to clinical use and trials. He is particularly interested in the application of imaging to multiple sclerosis and traumatic brain injury, having been awarded research funding from the NIH, National Multiple Sclerosis Society, and the Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs.
Career Highlights: Positions, Projects, Deployements, Awards and Additional Publications
NIH Director's Award (2024)
Associate Editor, Journal of Medical Imaging (2024-Present)
Associate Editor, Frontiers in Neuroscience: Brain Imaging Methods (2021-Present)
Associate Editor, PLOS ONE (2014- Present)
SPIE Medical Imaging, Image Processing Conference Program Committee Member (2014-Present)
Best Paper, MICCAI Workshop on Simulation and Synthesis in Medical Imaging (2020)
National Capital Area TBI Research Symposium Organizing Committee Member (2013-2020)
Richard Skalak Award for Best Paper, Journal of Biomechanical Engineering (2018)
NIH Neuroscience and Ophthalmic Instrumentation and Technologies Study Section Member (2013-2018)
ISBI Grand Challenge on Longitudinal Multiple Sclerosis Lesion Segmentation, Lead Organizer (2015)