Elizabeth Harrison


Department of Primary Appointment:
School of Medicine
Research Interests:
chronobiology, circadian rhythms, physiological effects of light, shiftwork
sleep, cognition


PhD, University of California, San Diego
MA, University of California, San Diego
BA, University of California, Berkeley

Career Highlights: Positions, Projects, Deployements, Awards and Additional Publications

Bessman SC, Harrison EM, Easterling AP, Snider MN, Preilipper SM, Glickman GL. Hybrid effectiveness-implementation study of two novel spectrally engineered lighting interventions for shiftworkers on a high-security watchfloor. Sleep Advances. 2023 Jan 1;4(1):zpad051.

Schmied EA, Harrison EM, Easterling AP, Hurtado SL, Glickman GL. Circadian, light, and sleep skills program: Efficacy of a brief educational intervention for improving sleep and psychological health at sea. Sleep Health. 2022 Jul 21.

Harrison EM, Schmied EA, Hurtado SL, Easterling AP, Glickman GL. The development, implementation, and feasibility of a circadian, light, and sleep skills program for shipboard military personnel (CLASS-SM). International journal of environmental research and public health. 2022 Mar 6;19(5):3093.

Harrison EM, Chung SY, Englert RM, Belding JN. The effect of concussion mechanism of injury on sleep problems in active duty service members following deployment. Military medicine. 2023 Jun 3:usad197.

Anderson MS, Chinoy ED, Harrison EM, Myers CA, Markwald RR. Sleep, Immune Function, and Vaccinations in Military Personnel: Challenges and Future Directions. Military Medicine. 2023 Apr 27:usad119.

Glassman LH, Schmied EA, Englert RM, Harrison EM, Thomsen CJ. Brief report: relationships between self-reported psychological conditions and aggressive behaviors among crew members of a US Navy aircraft carrier, January 2021. Medical surveillance monthly report. 2021;28(9):13-6

Harrison EM, Easterling AP, Schmied EA, Hurtado SL, Glickman GL. Chronotype and self-reported sleep, alertness, and mental health in US sailors. Military Medical Research. 2021 Dec;8(1):1-3.

Harrison EM, Schmied EA, Glickman GL (2020). Implementation of interventions designed to enhance the circadian health of shiftworkers. Chronobiology International. Published online Dec 17 2020. DOI: 10.1080/07420528.2020.1845190

Harrison EM, Schmied EA, Powell AL, Yablonsky AM, Glickman GL (2020). A hybrid effectiveness-implementation study of a multi-component lighting intervention for hospital shiftworkers. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 17(23): 9141.

Schmied EA, Harrison EM, Dell-Acqua R, Perez VG, Glickman GL, Hurtado SA (2020). A qualitative examination of factors that influence sleep among shipboard Sailors. Military Medicine. Published online Oct 14 2020. DOI: 10.1093/milmed/usaa321.

Representative Bibliography

Walbeek TJ, Harrison EM (co-first), Gorman MR, Glickman GL (2021). Naturalistic intensities of light at night: A review of the potent effects of very dim light on circadian responses and considerations for translational research. Frontiers in Neurology. 12:27.

Englert RM, Schmied EA, Harrison EM, Perez VG, Thomsen C. Studying the health and performance of shipboard Sailors: An Evidence Map. Military Medicine. Published online Nov 20 2020. DOI: 10.1093/milmed/usaa459

Harrison EM, Walbeek TJ, Maggio DG, Herring AA, Gorman MG (2019). Circadian profile of an Emergency Medicine Department: scheduling practices and their effects on sleep and performance Journal of Emergency Medicine. 58(1):130-140

Walbeek TJ, Harrison EM, Soler RR & Gorman MG (2019). Enhanced circadian entrainment in mice and its utility under human shiftwork schedules. Clocks & Sleep, 1(3): 394-413

Harrison EM, Yablonsky AM, Powell AL, Ancoli-Israel S, Glickman GL (2019) Reported light in the sleep environment: enhancement of the sleep diary. Nature and Science of Sleep, 11:11-26

Harrison EM, Glickman GL, Beckerley S, Taylor MK (2017). Self-reported sleep during U.S. Navy operations and the impact of deployment-related factors. Military Medicine, 182 (3/4): 189-194

Harrison EM, Carmack SA, Block CL, Sun J, Anagnostaras SG, Gorman MR (2017). Circadian waveform bifurcation, but not phase-shifting, leaves cued fear memory intact. Physiology & Behavior, 169 (2): 197-202.

Glickman GL, Harrison EM, Dobkins K (2017). Vaccination rates among younger siblings of children with autism. New England Journal of Medicine, 377(11):1099-101.

Harrison EM, Walbeek TJ, Sun J, Johnson J, Poonawala Q, Gorman MR (2016). Extraordinary behavioral entrainment following circadian rhythm bifurcation in mice. Scientific Reports, 6: 38479; doi: 10.1038/srep38479.

Harrison EM, Gorman MR (2015). Rapid adjustment of circadian clocks to simulated travel to time zones across the globe. Journal of Biological Rhythms, 30(6):557-562.