Marian Tanofsky-Kraff
Postdoctoral NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH, 2003 - 2006Fellowship Unit on Growth and Obesity, DEB, NICHD
Intramural Research Training Award Fellowship TAGL009655
Clinical Psychology
(APA Accredited)
Emphasis: Pediatric Overweight and Disordered Eating
Predoctoral NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH, 2002 - 2003
Clinical Unit on Growth and Obesity, DEB, NICHD
Internship Psychotherapy component provided at Children’s National Medical Center, Department of Adolescent Medicine
Clinical Psychology
Comprehensive Examination Area: Personality Theory and Disorders
Predoctoral YALE UNIVERSITY, 1992 - 1996
Research Internship Emphasis: Eating and Weight Disorders
Dr. Marian Tanofsky-Kraff is Professor in the Departments of Medical and Clinical Psychology and Medicine at the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences. She is Director of the Developmental Research Laboratory on Eating and Weight Behaviors and Research Director for the Military Cardiovascular Outcomes Research Program. She is also a Research Collaborator in the Section on Growth and Obesity at the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, NIH. Dr. Tanofsky-Kraff’s research program involves the intersection of obesity and eating disorders and addresses questions about the risks, protective factors, maintenance, consequences, and prevention of excess weight gain and eating disorders, with a particular focus on psychological factors that promote obesity. Her work has emphasized assessment with a goal of endophenotyping pediatric eating patterns that promote both conditions. She has carried out intervention trials aimed at preventing adult obesity and eating disorders. Dr. Tanofsky-Kraff has published over 220 peer-reviewed papers and chapters, has received research funding from the several NIH institutes, including serving as a mentor for over 15 training grants, and is the recipient of numerous awards. She is on the Executive Council and a Fellow of The Obesity Society, Fellow and Past Board Member of the Academy for Eating Disorders, and is Past President and Board Member of the Eating Disorders Research SocietyCareer Highlights: Positions, Projects, Deployements, Awards and Additional Publications
2022 Mentor, Award of the Board of Regents (M. Byrne)
2022 Mentor, Academy for Eating Disorders Student Research Grant (M. Parker)
2022 Mentor, Fellows Award for Research Excellence, NIH (M. Parker)
2020 Mentor, Psi Chi APA Convention Society Research Awards (M. Byrne)
2020 Co-Mentor, Award of the Board of Regents (O. Cassidy)
2019 Uniformed Services University Hébert Impact Award (M. Tanofsky-Kraff)
2019 Mentor, Award of the 2019 Board of Regents (L. Shank)
2018 Mentor, The Obesity Society’s 2018 Rolls-Simons Travel Award (S. Lemay-Russell)
2018 Mentor, The Obesity Society’s George A. Bray Master’s Thesis Award (M. Byrne)
2016 The Obesity Society Lilly Scientific Achievement Award (M. Tanofsky-Kraff)
Representative Bibliography
Parker, M. N., et al. (2022). Heart Rate Variability and Laboratory-Based Loss-of-Control Eating in Children and Adolescents. Nutrients, 14, 4027.
Gulley, L. D., et al (2022). Examining Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Change Mechanisms for Decreasing Depression, Weight, and Insulin Resistance in Adolescent Girls at Risk for Type 2 Diabetes. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 157, 110781. doi: 10.1016/j.jpsychores.2022.110781
Shank, L. M., et al. (2022). Loss-of-Control Eating and Cardiometabolic Health in Relation to Overweight and Obesity. Current Diabetes Reports,
LeMay-Russell, S., et al. (2021). Longitudinal Associations Between Facets of Sleep and Adiposity in Youth. Obesity, 29, 1760-1769.
Higgins Neyland, M. K., et al. (2021). Prevalence and Correlates of Disinhibited Eating in Youth from Marginalized Racial/Ethnic Groups. Current Addiction Reports, 8, 10.1007/s40429-020-00347-3.
*Byrne, M. E., et al. (2021). Bridging Executive Function and Disinhibited Eating among Youth: A Network Analysis. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 54(5), 721-732. doi: 10.1002/eat.23476.
Pine, A. E., et al. (2021). A Pilot Feasibility Study of Interpersonal Psychotherapy for the Prevention of Excess Weight Gain Among Adolescent Military-Dependent Girls. Military Medicine, 26, 186 (3-4), 344-350. doi: 10.1093/milmed/usaa514.
Tanofsky-Kraff, M., et al. (2020). A Developmental Framework of Binge-Eating Disorder Based on Pediatric Loss of Control Eating. American Psychologist, 75, 189-203. doi: 10.1037/amp0000592.