Michael Boivin
Colonel, Army
MD, University of Maryland, BaltimoreMPH, Johns Hopkins University, Bloomberg School of Public Health
BS, BA, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Occupational and Environmental Medicine Residency, Uniformed Services University
Preventive Medicine Residency, Walter Reed Army Institute of Research
Transitional Internship, Madigan Army Medical Center
Career Highlights: Positions, Projects, Deployements, Awards and Additional Publications
Command Surgeon, 20th CBRNE Command
Preventive Medicine Officer, Army Public Health Center
Focus Area Chief, Global Emerging Infections Surveillance, Armed Forces Health Surveillance
Vice Chair, Institutional Review Board, Walter Reed Army Institute of Research
Chief of Epidemiology, Walter Reed Army Institute of Research
Chief of Accession Medical Standards Analysis and Research Activity, Walter Reed Army Institute of Research
Officer In Charge, Occupational Health Clinic, Umatilla Chemical Depot