Natasha A Schvey


Department of Primary Appointment:
School of Medicine
Medical and Clinical Psychology
Associate Professor and Director of Graduate Studies
Location: Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, Bethesda, MD
Research Interests:
Stigma and Health
Body weight and eating disorders, children and adolescents


BA (2006): Northwestern University (English, Psychology)
MS, MPhil, PhD (2014): Yale University
Clinical Internship (2014): Yale University School of Medicine


Dr. Schvey is an Associate Professor and Director of Graduate Studies in the Department of Medical and Clinical Psychology at the Uniformed Services University. She earned her PhD in Clinical Psychology from Yale University in 2014, and completed her clinical internship in Behavioral Medicine at the Yale School of Medicine. Dr. Schvey’s research focuses broadly on stigma and health among multiple populations. Using multi-method approaches, Dr. Schvey has active lines of research pertaining to weight status and eating pathology, mental health of military dependents, and civilians. Dr. Schvey has published a range of empirical studies, review papers, and chapters, and has presented to academic, professional, and community organizations throughout the country.